About Us
Manasota Bringing Up Down Syndrome (BUDS) is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is headquartered in Sarasota, FL. Founded in 2002, BUDS celebrates over 20 years of providing programs and services to the local Down syndrome community.
We are affiliated with the National Down Syndrome Society, the National Down Syndrome Congress, and were the first organization in FL to partner with Dads Appeciating Down Syndrome (DADS).
Upcoming Events
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BUDS’ 21st Annual Buddy Walk
On Saturday, October 28th more than 500 people came out to Manasota BUDS’ 21st Annual Buddy Walk. Hosted at Bayside Community church, the event was…
BUDS Featured in the Observer
Manasota BUDS was recently featured in the Sarasota Observer publication. Lesley Dwyer wrote about the programs and services offered by BUDS and promoted Manasota Bringing…
BUDS Featured On TV
Manasota BUDS was recently featured on SNN’s Helping Hands segment! Mary Lou Bear and Brooke Olivieri talked to viewers about BUDS’ upcoming 21st Buddy Walk…
THANKS TO OUR partners
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Membership is FREE, so join today and help us in bringing up Down syndrome!